Thursday, January 29, 2015

What Do Masons Owe to Early Alchemists ?
Or What Did the Guy in the Funny Hat Do For Us  
Paracelsus 1439-1541

By the time Catholicism had all but eradicated the Old Mystery Religions from Europe the Alchemist entered upon the stage of human drama to unwittingly serve as a cosmic connection between old and new. 

In a sense they were a mixture of many different elements of unusable human knowledge deemed unholy by the ruling powers. With the promise of transmutation of base metal into gold Kings and potentates poured vast sums of money into the enterprise. 

There is no evidence that either gold of the elusive Philosophers Stone arose from these efforts.

Alchemist Symbol for Philosophers Stone above.

This should look familiar to any Free Mason. 

ALCHEMY  well established by the time of Paracelsus birth and the symbols employed were nearly universal. A secret coded message if you will to those who could understand. 

At 16 he entered study at the University in Basel and then on to study under Hans von Trittenhime who was a legendary Master of Mystic Arts and Ancient Symbolism. 

Paracelsus wandered through Europe working a a doctor and spiritual adviser to the various lords and ladies of minor nobility. He lived a modest uneventful life and died in 1541 unaware that his thoughts and contributions would forever change the direction of science , language and spirituality.

Through his study of symbols he discovered the writings of  Erasmus. Erasmus wrote using the Socratic method of writing was posed this question in his "Colloquy on Pilgrims"

"Dost thou not see how the artificer Natuer delights to represent all things by colors and forms,but more especially gems..."

He then enumerates the color and nature of gemstones and other items of nature describing how their color and form affect our interactions.

Paracelsus also supported the idea that for any physical or spiritual change to occur an agent of some sort was necessary.

For the decades of his working life he started to categorize items by the effect they produced or by nature of behavior. Sheep , bulls , cows , ect all had individual names he coined the use of chattel ( later became cattle) 

He observed the use of wine, beer, scotch etc and the effect it had on its users. He used an Arabic word for a black eve shadow used for funeral rites to describe the nature of the group. The word in Arabic al-kohl( today known as alcohol).

He was convinced that the Philosophers stone is the star ruby based on color and the presence of the star appearing naturally and changing in different light and direction of observation.

Red stone is the life's blood and also represents the life giving star. There are 2 sets of 3 lines (pillars) and the point of intersection the completed man. Connecting the ends of rays you can create triangles and a pentagram.

While somewhat primitive and superstitious by our standards Paracelsus categorizing elements began the development of what we know today  as the scientific method. It truly began the slow decline of  of the old thinking and the old ways. His "agent" for spiritual change was Light and Knowledge . 

There is no evidence I can find that this man was involved with any secret society but in my opinion he should have been a Mason. Truly a brother in search of Light. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Why Diamonds in Master Masons Rings

While every Mason can tell you that Diamonds are often found in MM rings almost none can explain why. The answer. LIGHT.

Here we will briefly discuss the interaction  between diamonds , Masons and Light.

Diamonds come from an area of the earths interior that is subject to incredible heat and pressure. it takes about 50 million years for them to be formed into the brilliant gems we see in the windows of fine jewelry stores. What makes them so attractive is their sparkle and flash. Their interaction with light.

The beauty and glory of men and diamonds are judged on two factors . First is their reflection of light. The second factor is what you do not see. Lack of flaws and imperfections adds value to both.
As Masons we strive to be transmitters of the light of the Creator of the Universe while constantly attempting to rid ourselves of imperfections. Removing the rough edges and imperfections of the Rough stone allows it to be used in the construction of that  House Unseen.

Diamonds andMM are judged on their Color , Cut , Clarity , and Carat weight.

Color is how well a diamond or a Mason allows Light to enter and then transmit to the observer. unseen  impurities change the transmission from brilliant transparant purity to slightly greyish all the way to a degraded opaque black.

Cut . think of the diamond and the man. as a house of mirrors. Using exacting Geometry the Master cuts and shapes so that every aspect (facet)  of his creation reflects off every other aspect to cause light to reflect off every surface inside the stone before being transmitted to the observer. As Speculative Masons we allow and assist the Master to form us into perfect reflections of His Light.

Clarity in a stone refers to imperfections that can be seen.A stone with no visible imperfections is very valuable and rare. Some small some large all directly affect value. Impurities that are on or near the surface for the most part are less serious than those deeper in the man or diamond.Why? Defects deeper in a diamond (or a Mason) will reflect many times off the different mirror like surfaces. One flaw in the right spot can reflect dozens or hundreds of times distracting the viewer from the Light. At times the number of reflections is so great it changes the color of the Light.

Carat weight. really depends on many factors. Let it suffice to say the bigger perfect stone the more light it can transmit. Having said that understand that the quality of pure unobstructed Light is the same in a 1 carat as it is in a10 carat. The likes of  Manly  P Hall and Albert Pike through their prolific published works maybe 10 carats but they are no more brilliant than the white apron brother are. Size does nothing to enhance pure brilliant color.

Until we meet again may the Light of the Creator shine through you. May you assist the Master to use His Geometry to shape every facet of your life a and allow Him to diminish your defects. Finally continue to grow to the Weight the Master decides so that you can become a perfect transmitter of His Perfect Light.